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24 October 04 : 03.51 AM

Really. It's so late and no one in this household, except for the maids, are asleep. Wilson's not even home yet.

Dad bemoans, how not normal we, his children are. I think we owe a lot of our abnormalities to him actually. He wonders why we're all nocturnal, while he doesn't sleep until 5 am.


God it is a real word, not a sentence. A disease of the lungs.

I wonder how it'll sound if I said it really really fast? I'll sound like I'm rapping.

Maybe I should spend my time studying rather than reading articles on pro-choice and searching for fun albeit useless information. The O Level exams are in less than a week's time.

I'm sick. AGAIN. Really, it's way annoying, it feels so horrible. But it's all better after taking 3 panadol pills, and after Mom made me congee.

Time to start some serious mugging.