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22 August 05 : 06.37 PM

I've been feeling scared these days. If I were in school, at least it wouldn't be this way, Rose, Samantha and Nat, with their constant bitching will drag me back into the real world. But it was the weekends, and today I woke up with a pair of swollen eyes and I went back to bed.

I feel a bit the way I did in the past, before him. Right now, there's this Korean show on television and the theme song reminds me of how Yoo Han used to let me listen to K-Pop and translate the lyrics to me. In a while, I will be meeting KS at King Albert Park. I was talking to Sam the other day on the phone, and she was aiming for good grades for her O'Levels.

Later, I'll have to do some Econs homework and finish up my History tutorial.

I need to drag myself back to the real world.