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03 November 05 : 10.09 PM

I was with Min, Liz and Rose this evening. We talked and walked and did whatever girlfriends did without the company of guys. We ate at this Turkish restuarant and hugged before we parted.

I'm listening a lot to the Cure these days. I put A Letter to Elise on repeat, and everytime Robert Smith sings, and there's nothing else I can really do at all... somehow it evokes this sadness in me. It was after that night b. asked me which Cure song was my favourite. He guessed, Lullaby? Lovesong? Friday I'm in Love? and when I said, no, it's A Letter to Elise, he had the song played from his computer.

Right now, the Cure's cover of a Joy Division song is playing, and I'm in love all over again.

b. and i were supposed to go to the museum yesterday, but we were late because we didn't know that it was closed by 7pm. We had sinful desserts at an Italian restaurant, took a long, long drive and listened to Scarlet's Walk. He drove me home at about 1.45am, and walking to the gate of my house, it suddenly dawned upon me that we didn't know each other long enough for us to be this close.

I wonder if he'll ever run out of things he say or do, because they just never cease to amaze or intrigue me.