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16 February 06 : 08.14 PM

I like Jesus more than ice cream.

I told Desiree this morning before chapel about yesterday evening when I met him. It was a kind of closure, and although I cried to Sam yesterday, listening to Desiree's funny comments (about altered sexual orientation and self-denial), sleeping enough for school (finally!) and seeing the change in him... I'm feeling fine today and it's all good.

During Civics today, Desiree and Rose told our civics tutor that they'd really like to be spies, being impressed by the ham-lipped Jolie as Mrs. Smith, our civics tutor took it really seriously, and after she left class, she messaged Desiree telling her that she can give further information to them about "this career option".

Anyway, we had a 2-hour long break at school, and spent it being silly, talking about a certain stout spy (which we all secretly lust after but are too embarrassed to tell anyone else), a cute Christian boy Desiree and I want to corrupt in the most sinful manner, and giving each other male names of Slavic origins.

Hello, my name is Vladimir. And these are my friends, Dmitri, Mikhail, Osip...

Well, while this spells the end of an era (god, it should have been like months ago, dammit), I'm in a kind of interstice that doesn't seem to skip any place anymore. But I need this now, anyway.

And I'm certainly not complaining.