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10 September 07 : 11.48 PM

I haven't written in years it seems, and everything just wants to spill out of my mouth (or through my fingers) onto this page.

Things like...

- School's been cool. I like my history module; it's interesting, stimulating and very informative. Despite my complaints about historicism, it piques me so that the tutor isn't going to set any essay questions on it for the examinations.

- I was just thinking about how some girls used to say that since I am mean and I put people down (with tactless remarks), I suffer from inferiority complex and feel the need to put others down to make myself feel above. So to speak. Or paraphasing that, I suffer from inferiority complex and feel the need to put others down to make myself feel above them. I find it laughable. Is it not plausible that I actually do see you as that inferior to me? That maybe I suffer from, more obviously, superiority complex? Why the big roundabout Freudish analysis? In fact, it just further confirms their self-doubt that they have to come up with such a justification for why I think they are ugly or stupid or weird or just plain repulsive. Silly silly silly.

- I was thinking of taking up an Entrepreneurship Minor but was put off by one of their prerequisites. WTF, I have to go for an outdoor camp for 2-3 days? Why? I mean, seriously. Why?

- Also. I was thinking of moving into hall. All the hassle of travelling in the morning. My earliest classes are at 9.30am, and I have to get up at 7.30am to get there on time. Maybe I'll be roomies with Samm. Mom is quite aversed by the idea. She says okay, but mentions (subtly and innocuously) that she can drive me to school sometimes. Somehow that makes me happy.

- Oh and I have a free-writing piece titled "This is who I want to be" due and I haven't a clue what to write. What to do?

(Great. It's all about school now.)