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15 February 04 : 11.26 PM

I want to write all about yesterday.

I want to write about what Sheba said to me, and how excited she was about Valentines' Day even though she didn't have date, but a date with her contemporary dance class after work.

I want to write about how after 7 p.m., I avoided all calls and didn't reply to any Where are you? messages, because I'd promised so many different people I'd go out with them even though I didn't feel like going out.

I want to write about how I spent hours on the computer typing out lyrics of songs that were playing, and how I'd keep doing that until I could type out the whole lyrics while the song plays, perfectly with no mistake, and I'd feel so proud and satisfied with myself and I'd try a faster song.

I want to write about how I soaked in my bathtub, so long, that Outkast's The Way You Move played on the radio twice.

I want to write about how at 3 a.m., I took out my old journals, read and giggled and gotten so embarrassed at myself for ever thinking, at the age of 13, that I could be the slightest bit mature.

Then I want to write about how at 4 a.m., I sent Theo a nonsensical message that went something like, askji asirnqlf p!, so at least if he asked why I suddenly pulled a disappearance act last night, I could say, I didn't. I sent you a message, didn't I? Oh, I must have been too tired to make sense.

Then I want to write about how I fell asleep almost immediately, but woke up at half an hour intervals.

But I can't elaborate, because I don't know why it happened the way it did.