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23 October 05 : 02.23 AM

The way Jules has one of my letters with her everywhere she goes, I keep Sean's letter in my wallet with me.

I was with my aunt this afternoon, we went for high-tea at Conrad Hotel, then went shopping. I love going out with her, she's so happy and nice. She makes me happy just being that way.

After that, I came home for a while and was out again, meeting Kenneth, KS and all. We went to Europa Bistro again and I drank Iced Tea. I was supposed to go Arab St. but in the end, found that I didn't need to, so I went to meet Zach at Cineleisure, where I met some of the people I used to hang out with. Yvonne was one of them, and she was actually headed for Liquid Room, where I was going, but changed her mind and was going elsewhere. I was a little disappointed because I kinda miss hanging out with her. She was funny in that cutesy way and bitched about people to their faces. After that, Zach walked me to where I was supposed to meet Rosanne, and he left.

Jon joined us at about 1am, after we walked from Liquid Room to Gotham Penthouse, with Rosanne and I having painful feet...

I've been very narrative these days. Describing my days this way, like I was just trying to recollect little events and things that don't really matter.

Listening to the Cure now.