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16 January 06 : 01.59 PM

I got the tattoo when I was 14 years old. I was alone, and entered the parlour warily. Alecs was the tattooist there. He allowed me to hold Chucky the cat while he placed his hand on my back and lowered the strange machine onto my skin and lifted it when it started hurting.

Chris came to see me, to see if I needed support of any kind. We hung out for a while before I met KS, who was utterly flabbergasted by it. Funny how you remember these details from years ago, and not recall the good things that happened last year.

I thought about this today, when Christy called, telling me she wanted to get one, a word. I remember how a lot of people thought getting words was silly and I had to justify mine by telling them, Jude Law's got one of words on his inner arm, so really, I'm not that strange! I'm glad they don't matter to me anymore.

I always believed those words were there, an apotropaic symbol, so maybe I could learn from it. But those words etched on my back that imbued my skin pigment seem to wash itself off my mind and I'm doing again, what I did wrong before and had to change.

I really don't wanna need anymore.