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01 April 07 : 04.07 AM

All the words about lost love and broken souls. Leaving school or leaving home. Exploring strange places or old hearts. Sometimes I wish I was somewhere else, but talking about it seriously gets me hesitating and sinking.

Like when those air-stewardesses told me about interview dates and gave me great tips, I listened attentively and eagerly. But the date came and went, and one of them asked me, how was the interview? I laughed and said I forgot when it was held. It was just about 3 weeks back.

Or when Desiree helped me look up opportunities studying overseas, that 10-seconds of excitement faded when the prospect of it felt so real. What do I really not wanna leave behind anyway?

While more tangible things distract me, and give me gastric pains (because that's what stress does to me, I think), I'm breathing the intangibles tonight.

But it's really okay this way.

...if she keeps it, it's her own, and no one can enter that unless by another invitation, soul communication, an exchange which offers a newly beautiful variation on a theme that makes an individual. Because that day she dove in the swimming pool and I envied the waters' ability to touch her totally.