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10 April 08 : 09.46 PM

I know whining about this just makes me seem like I have something perpetually up my ass, but I have to let out somewhere (before Dani gets here and I whine about it to him).

See, there's a loser guy in my class who did a presentation on the film, Red Corner (that Richard Gere one). And he had all these stupid, nonsensical, out of the world analysis of the film. For example,

Bai Ling and Richard Gere's relationship in the film is purely platonic because the film is advocating the fact that China should be working together with the US, not trying to overtake the US. Gal pals. Also, that the film is a propaganda tool of the US to drive home that China should be cooperating with the US, not fight against them. Evidently shown in the fact that Gere gets away in the end despite all the setbacks and stuff.

What? Is that guy in university? Isn't he supposed to at least, somewhat intelligent?

Then today I'm going through one of the compulsory readings set for this module. Did he not read this? I would read anything if it had something to do with young Asians in Hollywood, which was my topic. Why didn't he read this? Then maybe he wouldn't make such an embarrassment of himself.

Basically, this:

Red Corner, as a China-bashing film that form part of the US media's concerted effort to attach China in the name of human rights. "By posing as defenders of democracy and liberty, the US media portrays Chinese events as crises that require not only vigilance but also intervention. Typically, such portrayals are dramatized-- staged in palpably demonizing terms so that audiences in the West are obliged to identify with an invisible but adamant moralistic perspective in which US is seen as superior."

I rest my case.