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30 January 05 : 05.34 AM

"I've come to this level where I can't cry, even when I want to." He told me.

"What makes you think it's a bad thing then?" I asked.

"Because I want to cry, and feel better the morning after. Crying to me, is a sort of catharsis; an outlet."

"Crying just seems so weak to me. Everytime I cry, I feel like such a weakling."

"We're all weak in our own ways. Isn't it funny, you seem to not want to be able to cry, and I want to be able to..."

"It's weak. But there's nothing I can do about it at all."

"Frailty is a form of beauty to me, and in that sense, you're beautiful."

A vulnerable lyricist with a past he's dying to learn something from. All the intoxications he used to indulge in don't mean a thing to him anymore. I think he lived a million lives tonight while he spilled his heart out to me.