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18 October 05 : 12.48 AM

Eugene's in the school Christian is going to; he's staying on another year to further his studies, or does it work the other way? Furthering his studies to stay on another year? "I'm not ready for home yet" he repeats like an affirmation. Suddenly everyone else who has gone away seems to be in Australia, Australia, Australia.

I remembered Australia fondly. Nicole, Bertrand, Lawrence, Clarence and I laid on the grass, staring into the empty, midnight sky. It was like we were inside one of those glass domes with clear liquid within. I imagined something would fall from the sky and break the glass, then maybe we'll suffocate like fish out of water, or maybe we'll all be floating. I also remember that night, in that service apartment, outside on the balconey so high that overlooks a clock tower, like a scene right out of the movies, Lawrence gave me my very first kiss. God, those memories. I want to go back to that time.

I'm reading Maya Angelou's I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. It has a very soothing quality, much like a reminiscence. I've been at it for weeks, reading a page or two a day. I re-read sentences that are empowering and breeze through parts about how discriminated the Negros were.

Fuck, life's too fucking short.